Friday, April 26, 2013

Embracing the Culture

While at CRMSI, I have been embracing the culture. 

Students at CRMSI come from families who are being affected by an economic crisis. 
Students are using what they have and are using their resources sparingly.
The first thing students do when they arrive in their classrooms is put on their smocks and pray. The smocks are used to protect their clothes from school play and activities.   
The students keep their school supplies organized in zipped pouches and their school books in cubbies.
The classrooms have their own library organized from student's books from home.
Barcelona is a big city with a close community. 
I love seeing mothers out having an hour and a half coffee together.
After school, parents are talking to teachers while kids are playing on the playground.

Even though the 1st grade boys have similar likes such as, football, motorbikes, and puzzles, they are their own, unique person. The pictures below clearly show that a simple task, such as decorating a robot, can look very different!    

Today, the students were introduced to the seven continents of the world including Antarctica, North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Europe, and Oceania. It was fun watching the students guess at the locations!   

Today, Mrs. Laura took me to the "Palau De La Musica." The opera house is showing an ongoing, successful production of, "Opera y Flamenco" next week! Since Barcelona is expecting a lot of rain, I'm hoping to attend the performance.  

Below are pictures from the Cathedral of Barcelona (La Seu). 

Below are pictures from a boat ride.

 I have less than two weeks left in Barcelona! I am embracing every moment of it. 

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